Farmer Stories
Real Testimonials by Real Farmers
Real Results, from down on the farm,
all over New Zealand. (and Australia)
Any investment in capital machinery is a big decision and the length of payoff of that investment is an important consideration for any farmer.
More importantly are the results that you get once using that new piece of machinery.
The Tow and Fert is a machine that saves farmers money in capital fertiliser inputs whilst also growing better grass over a longer period of time. The efficiency of the fertiliser you use increases significantly meaning you grow better grass with less fertiliser input, saving money and increasing output.
And in addition to these benefits there are important environmental benefits to using a Tow and Fert including reduced inputs, significantly reduced runoff and leaching, and even in some cases, time-saving.
Below are real farmer stories from farmers all over New Zealand and Australia.
Michael Parks
West Otago, South Island
Multi 1200
Rhys Roberts
Align Farms Clareview, South Island
Multi 4000
Amy Stokes
Waikuku, South Island
Multi 1000 & 4000
Scott Charmley
Dannevirke, North Island
Multi 500
Miah Smith
Atiamuri, Central North Island
Multi 2800
Georgie Galloway
Invercargill, South Island
Multi 1200
Allan Marx
Taranaki, North Island
Multi 4000
Josh Stephens
Camperdown, Victoria
Multi 4000
Below are just some of the many benefits
Tow and Fert Farmers are seeing on their Farms.

Water or Effluent?
Your Tow and Fert can use the excess of effluent you have on your farm. Simply reverse the suction, throw in the suction hose and pump up the effluent. Finally, add your specific nutrient mix and away you go. Easy.

Save on Inputs!
Reducing your N fertiliser inputs by up to 50% is an attractive benefit to any farmer but add to that the increased grass growth over a longer period of time (see the science here) and spraying your fert on with a Tow and Fert really is a simple decision to make.

The Tow and Fert is truly a unique piece of machinery for its versatility. Apply your fertiliser mix including fine particle suspended mixes along with small seeds such as plantain, chicory and clover. You will soon wonder how you ever did without it.

Whatever your farm needs, be it a bio stimulant, fine particle seaweed product, magnesium, selenium etc or even lime flour the Tow and Fert can be used to spray these products easilly and quickly when you want and need them.
Book a FREE on farm assessment today
The best way to see if a Tow and Fert is right for you is to book a FREE, no-obligation, demonstration today. It is the best way to answer all your questions about changing to the Tow and Fert System.
Call 0800 337 747
The Tow and Fert Times.
The Tow and Fert Times is a publication full of information for dairy farmers. Designed to help you with your nutrient management and fertiliser decisions, it is packed full of helpful information, case studies and helpful tips and tricks for the farm.
Volume 9 (Autumn 2023) Available now!