Our Team

Years of experience all under one roof!

Charlie Blair

 Tow and Fert Sales Manager – NZ
027 203 9774

Bio & image coming soon

Tim Henman

 Global Sales Manager
021 846 436

As a part of the  R&D team on Tow and Fert in the early 2000’s, Tim has been part of the design, sales and marketing journey since the beginning and can help clients understand the ROI’s for them specifically. 

Joel Crump

Marketing Manager
027 320 2686

Joel’s been involved with Tow and Fert for over 6 years and has recently come into the role of Marketing Manager. Joel’s always looking for excuses to get on farm and is here to ensure your Tow and Fert experience is a great one. If you’ve got a story you want to share Joel’s all ears! (and cameras)

Charlie Livingston

Service Manager
021 310 921

Charlie has years of experience in the engineering industry having worked in Australia before moving into agricultural machinery contracting in England. Back in Australia more recently he worked in Townsville on heavy machinery maintenance before returning to New Zealand and joining Metalform as our Tow and Fert Service Manager.

The Tow and Fert Times.

The Tow and Fert Times is a publication full of information for dairy farmers. Designed to help you with your nutrient management and fertiliser decisions, it is packed full of helpful information, case studies and helpful tips and tricks for the farm.

Volume 9 (Autumn 2023) Available now!


– Download your copy by clicking below